Stay Fit With Nutritional Adequacy and Perseverance

Fitness refers to a condition of well-being and physical health and, more importantly, the capacity to do basic parts of activities, jobs, sports and other daily chores without suffering any damage to ones physical well being. Fitness involves everything we do that will have an effect on our physical health. It also includes all the components of our health that can be affected by these activities, such as mental, social, emotional, physical and some even spiritual. For the purpose of this discussion, fitness is normally defined as being in good shape. One who is fit has a certain level of energy, concentration and flexibility.

FITNESS refers to a number of factors and they all contribute towards one’s overall health. Physical fitness means being in good shape and being able to do everyday activities without limitation or difficulty. Fitness also involves the proper functioning of different systems and organs in the body. It is important for one to keep their heart rate within normal limits, for example, to prevent cardiac arrest and to prevent strokes. Aside from these, physical fitness also means strength training and endurance training.

Muscle strength and muscular endurance are very important in physical fitness. The more muscular endurance a person has, the more he or she can be expected to do on the physical platform. A physically fit person is able to do everyday activities such as walking, running, lifting weights, cutting weight and even swimming. Muscular endurance is basically the ability of the body to endure tension, strain and exertion. It is measured by measures such as muscular endurance, muscular power and endurance and is the sum total of all the muscular functions of the body. Having a good grasp of the terms and definitions of muscular endurance is extremely beneficial.

Another factor that contributes to fitness level is heart rate. Heart rate indicates the rate with which the blood is pumping throughout the body. An elevated heart rate indicates a high level of stamina. Aside from heart rate, another important factor that contributes to FITNESS is flexibility. Flexibility is basically defined as the normal range of motion of joints in the limbs and body.

As previously mentioned, muscular endurance and flexibility are important in keeping the body and mind fresh and active during any physical activity. However, muscle strengthening, while helpful in keeping your body mobile and fresh during your workout, can also lead to a decrease of muscular endurance and flexibility. This is called muscle weakening. Muscle weakening may result from a prolonged period of inactivity due to lack of physical activity and may also be due to injury to the muscles. Thus it is best to start a muscle strengthening routine before taking up an aerobic fitness routine so that you can maintain good muscular strength and flexibility levels.

FITNESS is more about doing the right things the right way. We can achieve the goal of having ample energy and staying fit just by adhering to a few guidelines. Remember that FITNESS IS about doing the right things the right way. No matter how much or how little physical fitness we have, without ample energy and with no excessive fatigue, we will never succeed in our goals. By combining diet, exercise and F��, we can stay healthy, energetic and fit for a long time.